Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Picture Perfect and Ready for "ACTION"...

Dear Designer Diary,

Valentine's Day was spent with the Cast and Crew of  "The Carrier" film shoot at Laurel-Lane Interiors. Beth and I greeted their team as they checked out our facilities along with the room we had transformed into an office for the shoot. Beth sported her leopard gloves in order to help insert the light bulbs which could not come in contact with oils found in our skin. My son, Chason, watched for a little while and afterward, honed in on his acting skills as well.

Since we have experience working on professional magazine shoots of our model homes, we were familiar with the idea that many of our furnishings and accessories that we used to prepare the set, could be moved to a different area... or out of the shot altogether. Not that the director would oppose of our choice of items, placement or colors, but the camera "reads" the room differently than our eyes do. So we were prepared for changes and delighted that there weren't many, even though we wore our thick skin just in case!

See, the first photo shoot I helped with years ago taught me a valuable lesson about the camera's eye! I was about in tears that day, after the director of photography totally rearranged everything that my co-workers and I had worked at painstakingly (almost through the night) to present their crew with a "picture perfect" setting. Boy, that time felt so wasted then.... but since then, I look at every staging job as though I am looking through a camera. Now I feel that it was worth the heart ache that I felt that day, because I discovered this new "technique" which truly makes an overall difference in our designs and presentation of a decorated area.

A few things I found interesting about the recent film shoot:
  • The crew had about as much stuff to unload as we do when we stage a home!
  • Lighting makes a huge difference... I even had time to make some shadow puppets!
  • Colors of the surrounding walls & accessories make a big difference on film as well... and our wall color was excellent for their shoot. (Sherwin Williams Giallo LL003 from the Laurel Lane Custom Color Collection: Main Walls) White, empty walls... not as good!
  • Our exotic cork floors helped with the sound!
  • They really used a clapper thingy between takes and I wish I had one that we could use in the "Reality Version" at work... kinda like a do-over, but it doesn't seem so whimpy! I visualize a scene during a "Real" work day, when something just is not working, I could just yell "CUT", get myself together and then say "Scene 1: Take 2" and CLAP that arm down with exhilaration! Then the action could re-start... but on the right path! (I may have to buy one now)!
  • Lastly, I was amazed at how much furniture, set accessories, equipment AND people that could fit into one small room! It looked like the circus clown car when they all came out for a break!
Well, that's the condensed version of my picture perfect day along with some of the action! They will shoot more footage at our location again so if you'd like to hear more .... Stay Tuned....

Laurel Lane

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Get Ready... Get SET, DESIGN!!!

Dear Designer Diary,

Today was one of those challenging but FUN days as our creative team finished working on our newest adventure in SET DESIGN for "The Carrier" Film. In between the phone calls, meetings and order placements of our normally not normal business week, we have been creating "an office" for an episode shoot which will take place this weekend. What was our conference room filled with furnishings, product samples, large tile displays and bunches of other designer "stuff" is now the setting for a design office instead.

How many designers does it take to get one conference room table through a 3-foot door opening? We know! How many designers would bend a fingernail back to the bloody quick, grab a bandage and keep on working without fainting? We know! And finally, how many designers would listen all week to a program on the pre-set radio station that endlessly promoted a telethon filled with heart-breaking and tear-jerking story after story... without stopping from work long enough to climb over the samples crowded in the conference room closet to try and change the channel... while keeping their tears from falling on the equipment and causing an electrical short... especially since the wind interrupted power in our building yesterday? We know!

The Carrier's Director, Roger Franks Sr. dropped by to check out our progress and give us some insight as to the camera, lighting and actors needs. It has been enlightening to work and learn through his creative mind and inspirational words... we can't wait to see the final product but at least we felt like we made the cut today! Stay Tuned...

Laurel Lane

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Little Shoulders ~ Big Responsibility

Dear Designer Diary,

Yesterday ended up being a productive day considering the slow start and I'm sure I left something on the plate for today. After talking with our accountant, sorting through our bills, planning for our future and just trying to keep our business family afloat (as well as my own family), the pressures of my responsibilities rest heavy on my shoulders.

Owning a business of anykind shoulders many responsibilities which most decorating TV shows do not reflect... especially in this economy!!! Sometimes I think folks perceive owning or working in a design business to be a "glamourous" job... all of the time. Let me assure you, that is not always the case (as I look at my poor unpainted, uneven fingernails). Like other professionals, Designers are real people that deal with life's real issues... just maybe in a more creative way!

The good news for me, our design team and others battling this bad economy is that we can count our many blessings and pray for better days ahead. Our creative team has shared in the good times together and we will share the rough times together as well... even though it may not be as fun. I can't wait to see what "fun" is ahead for us today! Stay tuned...

Laurel Lane

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good Intentions

Dear Designer Diary:
Today I started out with good intentions to get a lot accomplished at my office. After a mini "jam session" with staff yesterday, my mental list from last night was spinning with the "TO DO's"... like getting ready for a film set design project, carpet pricing, flooring orders and basically getting things "on-track"  feeling pressured by the gloomy economy. My dear hubby also added a few "errands" to my list as well.

Now, here I am mid-morning, just getting ready to head to the office. Yes, of course I called in... but today I am a Mom first, designer 2nd; Mom to a seven-year old little boy with a bad cough & cold that didn't sleep much at all last night. Soooo, now off WE go to work and maybe some of my list will get accomplished... if not, it will just have to wait. One of the good things about working in a close-knit business, we all believe that family comes first.... and I'm sure you will hear more about this "benefit" later!

Stay tuned...
Laurel Lane
Interior Designer & Owner
Laurel-Lane Interiors, Inc.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Get to Know the Cast & Crew at Laurel-Lane Interiors

Today we start our Designer Diary... though it should have been started over twenty years ago! Our business is owned and run by a group of smart and talented women, who are beautiful inside and out. We view each other like "Family"... Each week, we manage to work, share, play, advise, defend, fight and make-up and just like "Family", we stick together like glue or get back together in the end! We often joke that we should use the footage from our security cameras to create a reality show because folks... you may not have a clue to what a designer REALLY experiences... especially working with our border-line crazy team!!!

Our regular cast of characters (and I do mean characters) include:
Beth DeMore-Smith, Missy Holland, Denise Harr and Laurel Lane.

You will get to know more about this Design Team and their lives, as our Designers' Home Diary is updated and we look forward to sharing our REAL experiences about working in a REAL design business. In the meantime, please feel free to visit our favorite websites and STAY TUNED FOR MORE!